Writing Activity
Proudly holding the award for Slough Writers: Writer of the Year 2012.
Sally (on the right) with the Taylor Award
"A man may write at any time, if he will set himself doggedly to it." Samuel Johnson
I have always enjoyed writing, particularly poetry and short stories, but in recent years I have ventured into other areas:
I have three plays currently published on Lazy Bee - http://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk/default.aspx
Sorry You're Leaving - A retirement leaving party with a twist
Imperfect Speakers - A rebellious interpreter at an international conference
Holding Up a Mirror - Who are the audience and who are the actors?
['Holding Up a Mirror' - "An accomplished piece of writing displaying wit and verve and a playful love of absurdist/non-realist theatre." Edel Brosnan, scriptwriter and editor.]
This play was performed as part of the Progress Theatre Writefest in Reading in 2012.
The play was also staged at the Burnham Library Drama Showcase 2015 with me playing a part!
[See picture at foot of page]
As part of a season celebrating Slough's history, I also wrote:
The King's Astronomer
A play about William Herschel, a resident of Slough and discoverer of the planet Uranus. A recording of this was played at Slough Museum as part of their celebration of Herschel.
In 1782, William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus, was
embarking on the construction in Slough of what would become the largest
telescope in the world, a project of such international interest that for a
period of time the Observatory House at Slough, Herschel’s home which he shared
with his sister, Caroline, would become very well known. So much so that
royalty, nobility and others were regular visitors to the site. Herschel’s
discovery of a new planet had given him celebrity status both in Britain and
abroad, and while this had assisted in the funding of his telescope
construction, the downside of this, in his view, was the need for his public
appearances, depriving him of precious time at his telescopes.
Short Stories:
I have twice won first prize in Writing Magazine short story competitions.
You can read one here: https://www.writers-online.co.uk/Writing-Competitions/More-Info/Lost_for_Words
I won first prize in the Slough Writers short story competition with Far From the Malling Crowd, which was judged by chick-lit novelist Carole Matthews. You can read the story on the Short Stories page on this site.
My short sci-fi story, Lost In Translation, has been published in Dark Places Magazine (Vol. 5) available on Amazon Kindle.
I have had articles published in Best of British magazine and Astronomy Now.
Hay-on-Wye Literary Festival 2012