
Welcome, dear guests. If you have the urge to write something you have 160 characters to record it here. Have fun!


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  • Jacqui A (Friday, July 06 12 06:11 am BST)

    Hi Wally
    Love the look of the website, and congrats on the first novel. Looking forward to reading it (when Neil's finished it...!)
    Let us know when the second novel is published!

  • Rajesh Narula (Monday, June 25 12 04:05 pm BST)

    Wally Sahib, it is good to find you keeping well in all manner of ways.

    My respects to the young ladies (of whom I have fond memories when they used to wander into a certain CPCAU at Status Park)…

    … and may your own excellent shadow never grow less.

  • Denise (Wednesday, April 04 12 05:12 pm BST)

    Great website Wally, and I love the sound of your just published sci-fi novel. Lookign forward to buying a signed copy. Best wishes, and keep scribbling.

  • Big Bro Bob (Wednesday, February 29 12 07:37 pm GMT)

    Hi Wal
    like the layout of your web site, all your own work? I shall keep logging in.
    Good luck,

  • Sally East (Wednesday, February 22 12 10:41 pm GMT)

    Congratulations on your fab new website. Look forward to seeing more. (Don't forget your commas!)